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The law of attraction explained


Magnatising love
Magnatising love

Many people think that if you just think about something, you’ll attract it, which is not true. The law of attraction is in fact a secondary law. Your thought patterns control the vibration you’re in which dictates what you’ll attract.

Vibration is a basic law of the universe.

The law of vibration decrees that everything moves, nothing rests. The walls around you are moving, if you look at them through a microscope, you’ll see them moving. The body in a coffin is moving, if it wasn’t moving it would never turn to dust. We literally live in an ocean of motion.

Your brain and body’s vibrations are controlled by your thoughts. You activate the cells in your brain with your mind, that sets up a vibration in the body; the vibration you set up is going to dictate what you attract.

If you’re troubled and in a negative mood, you’re going to attract negativity into your space because you’re on a negative frequency. As long as you stay in that negative vibrational state, you’re going to attract negative outcomes, it’s just going to keep coming until you change your vibrational energy.

How do I make the law of attraction work best for me?

First and foremost, keep yourself feeling good. Feeling is a conscious awareness of vibration. Feeling is a word we invented to describe our conscious awareness of the vibration we are in.

If you focus on feeling good, your vibration will be positive, thus you will attract positivity into your space. You magnetise yourself to positivity based on your positive vibrational frequency.

How do I make myself feel good, when I feel there’s nothing to inspire me to get into that space?

There’s a law called polarity. The law of polarity decrees that everything has an opposite. You couldn’t have an up without a down, a hot without a cold or a good without a bad. If you’re focusing on bad, that tells you there’s got to be a good, because you cannot have bad without good!

If you want to feel good, start looking for what’s good. If you start looking for what’s good, you’re going to find it.

If you find yourself saying “I can’t find anything good because there’s so much bad going on”, you may want to consider that this attitude is not going to reward you, instead it’ll draw further negative into your life and will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s good to remember that there’s ALWAYS something good – you’ve just got to find it.

Why is it hard to see the good when there’s so much chaos around me?

Because as humans, we’re programmed the wrong way. We’re programmed for bad news, just look around us – society thrives on the negative. All you have to do is watch the ‘news’, review the majority of social media and see the sensationalism of fear which is used to sell products.

People are attracted to bad news because they’re in a negative vibration pattern. When you start to understand that and then realise that you can control it and change it, that’s when you’ll start winning and attracting positivity into your life.

You have to change your program to attract the positive.

How do I change my program and start feeling good?

There are all numerous ways of feeling good. Start with any of these:

  • Think of something that makes you laugh: use your memories of a time, place, person, animal or action that made you really laugh.

  • Do something kind for someone: seeing someone smile will draw in positive vibrational energy.

  • Share a positive idea with someone: collaboration and working with others will draw inspirational positivity.

  • Seek out and surround yourself with positive people: be a magnet for positivity and make conscious choices to repel negativity.

In summary

Everybody utilises the law of attraction every day, all day. You are attracting what you are in harmony with. You have the ability to attract positivity into your life and succeed with anything you desire. It takes time and energy, but it’s definitely possible. So next time you’re feeling low and in a downward spiral of negativity, find something that makes you feel good; hold onto that feeling and start attracting the amazing positivity that’s around you.

Background information

This article is based on a conversation between Lewis Howes and Bob Proctor. Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author and show host of The School of Greatness, one of the top growth mindset podcasts in the world. Robert Corlett Proctor was a Canadian, new thought self-help author and business owner. He was best known for his New York Times best-selling book You Were Born Rich and being a contributor to the film The Secret.

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